Race Report – Mulholland Challenge

72.86 miles, 7:01 moving time, 8,379 ft elevation

Lynda, Burt, Julian, Mark G., John, Steve, Nick, Larry, Paul, Jeff, Joe.

Cold start high 30’s in Agoura Hills. I was completely bundled up: Long cycling pants, base layer, long sleeve coat. Most of the Club did the 100 miles and 10,000 ft of climbing. I did the 3/4 century. 72 miles and 8200 ft of climbing. So, I started hour and half after the main crew. and I ended about an hour before them. Paul G. rolled in a few minutes after the main crew took off, but I think he caught up to them. Jeff B rolled in and did the 3/4 Century also.

Stunt Canyon and Piuma were spectactular. I have been psyching myself up for this ride for a few weeks. We were under-trained due to the sporadic rainy season this year. And I missed a couple weekends with a family vacation to Spain. Worth every minute, but caused me to downgrade to the 3/4 Century for sure.

It was a Beautiful clear day. You could see the Pacific ocean in the distance. There were tons of intermediate climbs along the way too. After Stunt and Piuma, there was a SAG stop back in Agoura at the hotel where the start / end was. I did a full hardware change. Took off the long pants and long sleeves; changed into shorts and layers on the top, jersey, vest, wind breaker.

Yerba Buena Climb. Very steep. 17% in there. SAG Stop at X Ranch. Descend to Pacific Coast Highway. Waves at the beach. Beautiful. Then up Decker. Killer Decker. It was cool and sunny for the climbs. and then cold during the descents. I finished at about 5pm. As the sun set, it got cold again.

After the ride, we refueled with burgers and beer at a nearby joint. And rode back home. Great Day of Riding.

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