Ride Report – Bonelli Loop

53.23 miles, 3:57 moving time, 2,467 ft ascent

John, Paul G., Julian, Lynda, Bill, Carrie, Sue, Joe, Maria, Gregg D., Gregg S.

On a cloudy morning, the club rode the Bonelli Loop. Dressing in layers is the key for comfortable riding. The weather was iffy. It was started cloudy. Will it turn colder and rainy? Will it clear up and warm up? Spoiler alert: Yes and yes.

Mile 8: Pick up at Encanto Park. The sun was almost breaking through. The chipmunks could see their shadow. I peeled off the windbreaker.

Mile 12: Crossing the Sante Fe Dam. Cold winds and clouds blow in quickly. There were several large cycling groups riding by us.

Mile 27: Loop around the outside of Bonelli Park. I got flat. Hit a hard seam in the road. Regroup at Park. The clouds were on the ground and it felt like a drizzle.

Mile 45: Back at Encanto Park. Sun out. Peeled off layers. Warmed up on final climb back to Sierra Madre.

Nice ride. Got it in before the next storm rolled in.

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