Ride Report. Long Beach Ride

69.74 miles, 4:37 moving time, 2,008 ft ascent

Peter, Burt, Gregg D., Greg S., Greg M., Lynda, Bill, Joe, Jeff, Eric, Julian, Alvin.

On a beautiful sunny winter day, the Club rode to Long Beach.

Mile 0: Start at Starbucks in Sierra Madre. Ride down to Arcadia.

Mile 5: Pick up some more friends at Par 3. Head down Upper Rio Hondo River Trail.

Mile 7: Whittier Narrows. Transition to Lower Rio Hondo Bike Trail. Tail winds.

Mile 21: Cross bridge. Merge to Los Angeles River Trail Bike. Tail winds.

Mile 35: End of the Bike Trail. Starbucks on Magnolia. Refuel. Regroup. Refresh. Flip it and back up the Trail. Heads winds on the way back. Slow going and I ran out of gas.

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